This company makes me nervous. Initially I took their name to mean they were going to make it easier for people to afford beautiful things. You know, like they were gonna knock off everything and get away with it. It looked like a cheap strategy to me, but everything was so expensive! I saw no reason to further seduce America with trophies of classes past, and I saw it as a marketing degradation of classic product designs. But then my lady smacked me on the head and said, "not everyone has access to a designer who can buy these straight from the manufacturer!" Oh. I get it. I feel better about DWR now, but not healed.

DWR is sending me unsolicited emails about Zaha Hadid's newest bathrooms and suites on some hotel floor in Madrid where "each of its 12 floors are designed by a different architect at a lavish expense." HOLD UP! Do we need this? Is this within reach? Are our design heroes designing for the future of humanity or for the future of their AMEX bills? The blog goes on to explain that, "it also happens to be an exceptionally good value (rooms begin at under 200 euro), which helps keep the spirit surprisingly unpretentious." Huh?! DWR is including me in an overtly exclusive email /blog based on my prior purchases. I am now part of a DWR consumer elite. What could be more pretentious? After all of my initial doubt and subsequent benefit of the doubt, I think DWR's up to some yucky stuff. They need to really consider their objectives if they want to continue positively in this generation. May I suggest,

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