It's official. A corporate lifestyle-tech conglomerate is taking over the American class system. Apple has audaciously assumed the position of bouncer in the world of who's whom. For $99 dollars, you can now unabashedly cut in front of any schmuck waiting for service at the Genius Bar. How good does that feel? Of course it feels good. You deserve it. Because as they've already made clear, you're a PRO! Banks used to honor business checking lines in a presumed effort to boost local economies and boost business. Now Apple is catching on to the game, except this time, no free toaster is required, only the purchase of a $3000 PRO MAC. Now that you've put your money where your profession was and have mastered the art of elite computing, why wait?
In fact, it's a perfectly reasonable money-making ploy for Apple. But the whole "PRO/Priority" thing is vulgar. See more:

All that aside, who can't wait to be the first one on the block to have one of these glistening badboys?

With all the monthlies? I bet you can't afford it.